
Python Core Concepts with Examples and Explanations

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Python Core Concepts with Examples and Explanations

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🚀 Hi, I am Rohan Paul, a Machine Learning Engineer, and Kaggle Master with many years of experience working with Python and reviewing Code on a daily basis.🐍

Updated - September-2023

This is the MASSIVELY ENLARGED 2nd Edition of my Book (with 1300+ pages of Dense Python Knowledge). 🐍🔥

Total 65+MB of PDF and markdown Files

📖 This book is focused 80% on Code examples and 20% on Theory and this very large work across 1300+ pages will make you a Pro Python Engineer, if you sincerely complete the book.

Almost all the code examples, you will face in daily life as a Python Engineer and also in actual Python Interview situations - that I have meticulously collected from my many years in the Industry as a Software Engineer.

👉 For each and every code example, I analyze the code's output, with very detailed "under-the-hood" explanations of "How" and "Why" about the output.

Checkout my 🦜️ Twitter 🦜️for how I explain Code

(Twitter is of course rather brief, and here in the book I go into more detail)


One of the most common practices during Interviewing (for any level) is you will be given a code snippet and will be asked to find where the code may break, or explain the output of the code. And there are some common favorites for this kind of interview questions. So this book covers a wide variety of those snippets with very detailed step-by-step analysis.


👉IMPORTANT NOTE 👉 With this purchase, you will get all the future updates to the book for FREE, and I will update the book averagely once a month (as I find more and more interesting problems to explain). So expect many new additions of Theory and problems with detailed explanations🔥🚀

🔥💡LOOK FOR ALL NEW additions to the book in the zipped file named "Annexture_1_NEW_Additions"💡


📜 Sample Chapters and index pages files (and the book contains around 350+ such chapters).📜


Find me here 👇

🟠 My Machine Learning YouTube Channel (6.6K+ Subscribers)

🐦 TWITTER (7K+ Followers)

👨‍🔧​ Kaggle (I am a Kaggle Master)

👨🏻‍💼 LINKEDIN (30K+ Followers)

👨‍💻 GITHUB (615+ Followers)


👉 If you really understand and master these few core fundamentals of a Language, you will get the mental framework to understand and execute most real-life coding situations.

👉 Hence, I wrote this book to give you a solid grip on the core principles of Python that will be needed as a real-life Python Engineer on a daily basis.

👉 And also these are the topics, favorite for Interviewers to ask you to check your understanding of Core Python. If you can talk about these topics for half an hour, in most cases you will win the job.



• Blocking non-blocking async-synchronous

• Multithreading Concurrency vs. Parallelism

• Multithreading Multiprocessing Concurrency

• Multithreading real-time data aggregation

• Multithreading while working with AWS Sagemaker

• Buffer protocol

• Classes objects inheritance oop

• Collections Module

• Context Managers

• Data Serialization in Python

• Decorators in Python MASTER

• Deep Copy vs Shallow Copy

• Dependency Injection

• Descriptors

• Descriptor Protocol

• Dictionary-Values-Hash-Usages

• Dynamic Code Execution eval

• Error & Exception Handling

• Event-driven programming with Asyncio

• File Handling I-O

• Functional programming

• Functional programming initializer in reduce method

• Function Annotations

• Function Overloading

• Functools module

• Generator Expressions and Coroutines

• init method

• Iterables vs iterators

• logging module

• Meta classes

• Method resolution order C3 Linearization

• Monkey Patching

• Monkey PatchingPerformance Enhancements

• Overloading arithmetic operators

• Pythons C-API

• Reference counting and garbage collection

• Slots in Python Classes

• Struct module

• args and kwargs

• Bool `all` and `any` - vacuous-principle `truthy` `falsey`

• caching decorator

• Chained comparison

• Class Lebel Attribute

• Closures late-binding-behaviour

• Closures capture variables by reference and not by value

• concurrent modification Modifying while iterating

• Decorator built ins Class Attribute with property decorators

• Default-Arguments-Mutation-evaluated only once

• Default arguments are evaluated only once

• definition of identity

• Double-Equal Operator in Python 1

• Double-equal Operator in Python 2

• Double-equal Operator in Python 3

• Double underscore dunder method

• Double underscore prefix name mangling

• Ellipsis

• Empty-Array Vacuous truth in logic

• Equality vs. identity-bool special method

• Equality vs. Identity Integer Interning

• Error exception handling

• garbage collection-forced ctypes

• Generator expression with "any" condition

• Generator Function with Yield Statement

• "globals" keyword

• Hashable in Python

• implied empty string replace

• Inheritance class attributes

• Instance attribute vs. class attribute

• "is-not" Operator

• lambda-decorator and setattr

• lambda Function Nesting

• list multiplication and its speciality

• List of Falsy Truthy Values

• Logical or Priority of execution

• Logical or vs logical and in Python

• Memory Management in Python

• Memory reference by Variable

• Memory reference Mutable-Immutable Objects

• Mutable and immutable data types and how del keyword works

• Mutable and Immutable Reference for chained-assignment  operator

• How None and False are different objects

• non-local keyword and inner function

• Optimal way to modify a list in place

• Optimal way to raise a number to power

• Pass by Value vs Reference logical - "or" & "and" operator

• round-method-bankers rounding

• Scope and Namespaces

• Slice Notation Tricky

• Tricky Ternary operator

• truthiness all-any-usages

• Truthiness and "all" Condition

• XOR Tricky Use case

• __index__ special method

• Bridge Design Pattern

• Mediator Design pattern

• Prototype Design Pattern

• Abstract factory Design Pattern

• Builder pattern

• Chain of Responsibility

• Command Pattern

• Facade pattern

• Flyweight pattern

• Object pool

• Observer pattern

• Adapter Pattern

• Factory method

• Proxy Pattern

• Singleton pattern

• State Pattern

• Strategy Pattern

• Template Pattern


I also own a Machine Learning YouTube Channel, and you can connect with me on the following platforms.


🟠 My Machine Learning YouTube Channel (6.5K+ Subscribers)

🐦 TWITTER (7K+ Followers)

👨‍🔧​ Kaggle (I am a Kaggle Master)

👨🏻‍💼 LINKEDIN (30K+ Followers)

👨‍💻 GITHUB (615+ Followers)





🔥🚀Again note, that with this purchase, you will get ALL FUTURE UPDATES TO THE BOOK for FREE, and I will update the book at least once a month (as I find more and more interesting problems to explain). So expect many new additions of Theory and problems with detailed explanations🔥🚀

🔥💡LOOK FOR ALL NEW additions to the book in the zipped file named "Annexture_1_NEW_Additions"💡


🚀Happy Python learning and wish you the best.🐍

I want this!
141 sales

👉 I cover over 350+ Python Core concepts across 1300+ pages, with associated questions, most commonly asked in Interview, each one offering you solid learning base to program like a senior Python Engineer.

1300+ pages and will update on monthly basis
Audience of this Book
Both Beginners and Advanced who needs a solid base on the core fundamental principles of Python
Key Benefit
Code like a Pro, avioid tricky bugs, find Commaon Problems in Code, and Win in any Python Interview situation
What you will get
PDF, Markdown AND a zipped file "Annexture_1_NEW_Additions" for ALL NEW ADDITIONS 🔥
🔥I will add many new Problems Monthly for FREE🔥 So you will always remain on the cutting edge
I am going to add new material to this book at least once a month
🔥🚀VERY IMPORTANT - with this purchase, you will get ALL FUTURE UPDATES (Monthly) to the book for FREE🔥,
💡ALL NEW additions to the book in the zipped file named "Annexture_1_NEW_Additions"
Look for a zipped file "Annexture_1_NEW_Additions" for ALL NEW ADDITIONS
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